About Us

About Us

India’s top news and information website is raja365news.com. We offer thorough coverage of the most recent news and happenings in India and across the world. Our team of seasoned reporters and editors is dedicated to providing our readers with thorough, unbiased reporting.
Everyone, in our opinion, has a right to know what’s going on in the globe. We provide all of our content for free because of this. We also think that everyone has a voice, so we invite our readers to express their ideas and viewpoints on topics that are important to them.

We are committed to creating a community of knowledgeable and active people. We think that journalism can significantly contribute to the advancement of social justice and democracy. We appreciate our readers’ patronage and are dedicated to giving them the best news and information possible.

Our Purpose

Our goal is to deliver reliable, unbiased, and in-depth reporting to our readers on the most recent news and happenings in India and across the world. We are dedicated to creating a community of informed and active people. We think that journalism can significantly contribute to the advancement of social justice and democracy.
We Stand For


Accuracy: According to us, the most crucial aspect of journalism is accuracy. We make an effort to provide timely, accurate reporting of the facts, and we quickly fix any mistakes.

Impartiality: According to us, journalism cannot exist without impartiality. We attempt to give our readers a well-rounded view of a subject by presenting all available viewpoints.


Independence: In our opinion, journalism should be free from all conflicts of interest. We present news without prejudice or bias.


Integrity: According to us, journalism cannot exist without integrity. In our reporting, we uphold the greatest ethical standards and the highest quality of professionalism.

Our Group

Our team of seasoned reporters and editors is committed to giving our readers the best news and information possible. We are passionate about reporting on topics that are important to our readers and have a thorough understanding of India and its people.

Dedicated to Our ReadersWe are dedicated to giving our readers the finest news and informational experience possible. We appreciate your opinions and recommendations, and we welcome your contact if you have any queries or problems.

We appreciate your participation in the raja365news.com community.